miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Giving Personal Information

A. Name

1. What's your complete name?

My complete name is: Juan Felipe Vazquez Vergara

2. What's your first name?

My first name is Juan

3. What's your last name?

My last name is Vazquez

4. What's your mother's last name?

My mother's last name is Vergara

B. Where are you from?

I'm from Mexico

C. Where do you live?

I live in Mexico state

D. Where do you come from?

I come from Coacalco


Where do you live?

I live in Coacalco

E. What's your favorite number?

My favorite number is 7

F. What's your favorite day of the week?

My favorite day of the week is Sunday

G. What's your favorite month?

My favorite month is September

H. What's your favorite color?

My favorite color is blue

I. What's your phone number?

My phone number is 58 74 45 67 (say it number by number, not in pairs)


It's 58 74 45 67 (say it number by number, not in pairs)

J. What's your cellphone number?

My cellphone number is: 044 55 36 79 12 34 (the same, say it number by number)


It's: 044 55 36 79 12 34


Oh, sorry, I don't have cellphone
Sorry, I don't have
Sorry, I don't remember one

K. What's your e-mail address?

it's diafrosiz0.daedjume4@live.com.mx (check the Vocabulary Appendix)

L. What's your job? / What do you do? / What's your occupation?

I'm a musician

Vocabulary Appendix

Say it: Dilo
pairs: pares
@: at
. : dot
_ : underline
- : hypen
appendix: anexo

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